Kurt Lewin said, “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.” A gift from pioneering family therapist Virginia Satir is a good theory about how people process change.
The Satir Change Model describes the: five major stages of a change; transition between stages; effects each stage has on feelings, thinking, performance, and physiology; and interventions that are helpful during each stage as well as interventions that are harmful during each stage
We will go beyond an intellectual understanding of the model. You will climb inside it and experience how people feel, think, and perform during each of its stages. You will examine factors that impact the orderliness and predictability of the model. You will explore constructive interventions to nurture the change process.
Satir believed that improvement is always possible, but change is difficult. Our goal is to help you take the next step to effectively applying this change model to create better transformations for you, your team, and your organization.
This workshop will be equally valuable to managers or individual contributors, especially to those who are leaders of change efforts.
After being a participant, David Carlton posted an excellent article about his workshop experience.
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