DAVID: Ruth, I think we should buy the ABC software to track trouble tickets and issues. RUTH: There is no budget for that. DAVID: But it takes me days to put together the information you want about the state of the product. And without an automated collection mechanism, I think many problems aren't being reported. RUTH: Provide the best … [Read more...]
Temperature Reading
Virginia Satir developed this method for discovering a group's temperature -- what we in technology often call the system's state. A facilitator leads the discovery. He or she keeps the group focused on each agenda item; works with the group members to help them communicate information congruently; and publicly displays each contribution so the … [Read more...]
Safer Conversations with Management
You have what you believe is an important thought to share with management. You're concerned though that management may dislike your message. How do you assess how safe it is to share your thought with management? It's certainly perilous if management regularly scowls, aims their finger at you and fires words such as: "You have no right to … [Read more...]
Coaching Whiners
Ban whining. It's destructive communication inside organizations. Why is whining destructive? How can a whiny complaint be transformed into a constructive, actionable proposal? You ask Anthony, who reports to you, "How are things going?" Anthony unloads on you like a dump truck unloading fertilizer, "I'm sick and tired of the mandatory … [Read more...]
Catch Them Doing It Right
First published in the Management Chronicles of Better Software Magazine, January - February, 2008 issue. It's also posted on the stickyminds website. <> A smile formed on Eleanor's face as she saw me approach her doorway. She and I were meeting to discuss her views on recognizing and rewarding employees. She had been my manager for … [Read more...]